Configure Snapshot


npm install feathers-offline-snapshot --save


import snapshot from 'feathers-offline-snapshot';
snapshot(service, query).then(records => ...);
  • service (required) - The service to read.
  • query (optional, default: {}) - The Feathers query object selecting the records to read. Some of the props it may include are:
    • $limit (optional, default: 200) - Records to read at a time. The service's configuration may limit the actual number read.
    • $skip (optional, default: 0) will initially skip this number of records.
    • $sort (optional, default: {}) will sort the records. You can sort on multiple props, for example { field1: 1, field2: -1 }.


const snapshot = require('feathers-offline-snapshot');

const app = ... // Configure Feathers, including the `/messages` service.
const username = ... // The username authenticated on this client
const messages = app.service('/messages');

snapshot(messages, { username, $sort: { channel: 1 } })
  .then(records => {

results matching ""

    No results matching ""